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ICT tools for finance and accounting

All-in-OneSmellið hér til að lesa 
All-in-OneSmellið hér til að lesa 
ICT tools for marketing and networking

Contact ManagementSmellið hér til að lesa 
Contact ManagementSmellið hér til að lesa 
Social MediaSmellið hér til að lesa 
Social MediaSmellið hér til að lesa 
Blogging toolsSmellið hér til að lesa 
Blogging toolsSmellið hér til að lesa 
ICT tools for business management

Business managementSmellið hér til að lesa 
Business managementSmellið hér til að lesa 
ICT tools for Customer Relationship management

CRM managementSmellið hér til að lesa 
CRM managementSmellið hér til að lesa 

ICT tools, finance, networking, CRM, business management


In this course, we will introduce some basic ICT skills for solopreneurs. We will present some interesting tools to help you manage your company.


This course gives you some interesting tips on which ICT tools can be used to improve your daily business management. We present them and explain how to apply them to our business. They are organized in 4 main areas (ICT tools for accounting and finance, for marketing and networking, for business management and for CRM management) in order to give you a thorough view of software available.