Emprendizaje Project


Entrepreneurship, rural entrepreneurial spirit


The Emprendizaje Project, designed by Ruralavanza, aims at promoting entrepreneurial activity, fostering new and old projects. The idea is to develop entrepreneurial competences in the inhabitants so that they also promote a change in the economy and society of small towns.
The project receives financial aid from Diputación of Castellón for innovative actions to foster employment, entrepreneurship and economic promotion.
The association Ruralavanza bets for entrepreneurship and firm creation as an opportunity of employability, personal growth and sustainable progress of society.
For them entrepreneurial world it is a path towards labour inclusion and individual and collective achievement, it is a tool for development and social mobility. They consider entrepreneurship as the ability to build and transform our own circumstances and the environment where we live.
Every entrepreneurial project is a way of life which is not limited to business area. Entrepreneur implies improve expectations about future, looking for generating processes of opening horizons.
The current situation in Comunidad Valenciana and Comarca del Alto Palancia in particular, makes it necessary the creation of new jobs, more steady and of a better quality so they have to work in order to find new kind of jobs in the rural area. This will have an influence in the socioeconomic growth of their towns. Ruralavanza makes a great effort to create these new work placements and improve the employability of the inhabitants of the area. It is a commitment they have with Alto Palancia and rural areas. Ruralavanza bets on an improvement of the business sector based on fundaments like competitiveness, training and sustainable development so that they foster those firms and projects that invest on local economy and contribute to the development of the area by using resources existing on it.

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